December 26, 2024
Some brief ramblings on competitions
January 14, 2018   0 Comments
This was a facebook post from 2015 regarding competition. I share it here for those not on facebook who may have students who just completed this year's All-State process, and for my own TTU Students about to participate in ensemble auditions. May some aspect of it be helpful.
There have been many debates over the years regarding the value of competition. While I believe all can be approached with respect to balance and moderation, I do think we, and our students, have a great deal to learn from competition. The aspect of competition I seem to hear most about is the motivation factor. No doubt, competition can motivate. But I think there is an aspect that is even more important: Competition offers opportunities for building resilience. As harsh as it may sound, people are going to be compared to others throughout their lifetime - in regard to job placement/promotion, relationships, creative output, and socioeconomic circles. I hesitate to label this...
What questions do you have?
December 18, 2017   0 Comments
Do you have questions you would like to ask? I can't promise all of the answers but am happy to share what I can. Flute, yoga, life...cookies?
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